Cost calculator

Calculation and comparison tool for your planned Captive Unit.

Find out here how setting up a Captive Unit compares against other types of outsourcing and remote staffing. We have developed two-year budgets for almost any type of Captive Units from 5 to 50 FTEs, with comparisons on year-, month-, day- an even man hour level. Our models include the estimated cost to set up the company, staff costs and all other expenses to smoothly run your business. Simply reply the easy questionnaire below and receive a first personalized estimate within 24 hours, absolutely free of cost and without any commitment.

1. What type of Captive unit do you want to start?

A Software development unit

A Business process outsourcing unit (BPO)

An Engineering/ technical drawing unit

A sales and marketing office to sell to the Indian Market

Other(pls describe in 30 chars)

2. In what location do you want to set up the Captive Unit?

In Chennai, India

In Madrid, Spain

I need an offer for both locations

I want to set up in another location (pls describe in 30 chars)

3. What is your main motivation to consider a Captive Unit? (tick all relevant boxes)

We can no longer find sufficient talent locally

The lower cost of Human resources

The lower social passive liability

We can compete easier with our competitors

The team can work at our working hours

You do everything while we focus on our core activity

We want to sell to other companies in India

We want to sell to consumers in India

We want to participate in Indian tenders

We want an easy, hand held entry into the market

It's a logical extension of our global presence

4. What is the team size you wish to start with?

Min     Max

5. What is the team size you want after a year?

Min     Max

6. What is important for you in staff at the Captive Unit (tick all relevant boxes)

Skill quality

Experience in the job

As cheap as possible

Able to integrate in my existing team / processes

They work in my time zone

They are superb communicators

They are superbly skilled - but may be lesser communicators

7. Will you be able to depute a person from your existing team to feed tasks to the Captive Unit?



I would like an offer where your consultant runs that liaison work locally, at our location.

8. Will you require our full option "assisted" service or will you organize everything locally yourself?

I only require you to setup the company and will do everything else locally myself

I only require you to set up the company and provide me a local director and will do everything else myself

I require you to provide as above, plus office space, local accounting, local administration, local HR, and all other services you can provide so that I only need to focus on my core business.

I want several options and be free to opt out whenever I want

9. How soon do you wish to start this?

As soon as possible

In 6 months to a year

I'm just exploring options

Please provide us a little information about yourself – company and email are required

Your Name

Your Company Name

Your email

Any other way to reach you
Type here any other relevant information/ question to make our estimation more accurate